BlackPool Bulletin #54

This week, web3 brings us up to speed on the exciting endeavours of Epic Games and Lego. And while Ledger sweats it out, Axie makes a mighty comeback with its Apple Store debut. So, what are you waiting for? Jump right into this week's sizzling Bulletin!

  1. The next-gen of crypto platforms?
  2. The Halvening (Lite Version)
  3. Ledger on the ledge
  4. Beerus’ trust-less verification
  5. Axie gets listed
  6. Illuvium’s Private Beta
  7. Join @Balancer’s 80/20 club
  8. Curve cleans up, again
  9. Epic Games x LEGO
  10. @AuroryProject brings gems
  11. Gaming Spotlight - @TheBornlessGame

  1. By putting players in complete control of their assets and allowing them to explore unrestricted environments, fully on-chain games and Autonomous Worlds are shifting the landscape. Brace yourselves for the full-fledged arrival of virtual worlds!

2. Due to the market, this hopium party is BYOB.

3. Ledger's recent launch of Ledger Recover caused quite a stir, with users stating they’re bouncing off to new hardware. While Ledger insists on its security, users are giving it the side-eye, wondering if it's truly leak-proof or just full of holes.

4. Thanks to Starknet's fancy cryptographic proofs, Beerus pulls off trustless state verification, converting shady data into rock-solid proof.

5. To the celebration of millions, Apple green-lights Axie Infinity on the App Store! Hip hip, Hooray!

6. Private Beta 2 of this open-world explorer game is now LIVE, bringing a slew of new and interesting features with it.

7. According to this thread, joining the 80/20 initiative is like having a key that unlocks deep liquidity, optimised incentives, asymmetric upside, and entry to the Balancer grants party.

8. With this current redeployment, the creators have tackled lingering flaws, guaranteeing a performance worthy of applause.

9. Epic Games and LEGO Group have teamed up to create a kid-friendly virtual world.

10. Learn about the future of Aurory Adventures following the Prologue and dig into the reasoning behind the developers' decision to take the Web3 route.

11. 💡 Game Spotlight: The Bornless

"The Bornless" is a free-to-play FPS game that combines elements of Battle Royale gameplay with a unique twist. In this game, players compete with rival players, fight off demons, and collect valuable Incense tokens. The objective of the game is to eliminate opponents and emerge as the winning team.

Apart from the cooperative gameplay, the developers have crafted a rich lore and storyline that revolves around the characters within the universe of "The Bornless." As players make discoveries, they uncover new facts and unravel the mysteries of the game's narrative.

To complement the launch of the first season of "The Bornless," the developers have also released a book, which provides additional background information and insights into the game. Interested players can access the book for further reading.




Ape Tip: Join the waiting list by registering on their website. Exciting updates and surprises to come your way shortly!

Ape Reading :

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