BlackPool Bulletin #20

Hello hello dear Apes!

For this week, a 40 SOL floor price for a 0% Royalties collection, a Tokenomics 101, the NBA take off by Sorare... The new Bulletin is here, time to start the week with all the best news.


  1. The Tokenomics 101 you should save.
  2. $veSTD: One token to boost them all.

3. The first web3 IRL competition (on Axie) just happened.
4. - #BowieOnTheBlockchain ... Smash or Scam?
5. Too big to fail - The impressive take-off of Sorare.
6. Don’t forget son, Diamonds Hands always win.
7. GameUnchained?

8. ETH L2 is moving forward!
9. The Merge, and then?
10. What gems for the future of DeFi?
11. We gonna make it, right?
12. Some Black Magic.

  1. Back to School - Time to learn: The Tokenomics 101 you should save.

2. One token to boost them all: oké but how?

3. The first web3 IRL competition (on Axie) just happened.

4. #BowieOnTheBlockchain real artistic direction or just marketing scam?

5. Too big to fail - The impressive take-off of Sorare.

6. Don’t forget son, Diamonds Hands always win. But what about the 0% royalties part?

7. GameStop and Gods Unchained together?

8. A big step forward for ETH L2?

9. The Merge, and then?

10. What gems for the future of DeFi? A lil' thread, NFA of course.

11. We gonna make it, right? Some useful tools to track the NFT market more efficiently. DYOR, as usual.

12. What kind of sorcery is this? Some Black Magic?

And that's all for the week, folks!